"Hey!",Diana said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Hello!",Taylor and I called out.

"How have you been,Ashley?",Walked asked.

"I have been great! How about you?",I asked.

"I have been just great!",Walker said smiling.

After breakfast,Taylor,Issac,Zac,and I all went outside to play basketball. Afterwards we went rollerblading then we all went back to their house for lunch. When we all finished Taylor and I went outside.

"What do you wanna do?",Taylor asked taking my hand.

"Hmmm,I don't know!",I said.

"What is there to do?",he asked laughing.

"Plenty! We just need to think of what there is!".

"Lets go to your house and swim!".


We then went to my house and got in the pool.

Chapter 13 coming up!


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